VB Class Implementation with Pseudo Inheritance

This is an interesting example and simply shows that inheritance is sort-of possible using Visual Basic. There is another method using the Implements keyword. However, the implements keyword requires a lot of duplication of code. I am sure that someone out there has a better way of implementing inheritance in Visual Basic. I would like …

Object Databases

An Introduction to Object Databases These object database information pages are intended to give an analysis of the usage of object database technology, particularly on the internet, as opposed to relational database technology. In short, the mathematics of a relational database is contradictory to the object-type black-box nature of the internet. Many companies spend fortunes …

The Very Basics of SQL

SQL (Structured Query Language) is the language which is used to access and communicate with a relational database. Note that the examples shown below are not working code samples which will function without syntax errors in any specific database engine. SELECT statement SELECT * | [<field name> [, [ , … ]] FROM <table name> …

General Relational Database Optimization

There are a number of ways to optimise database access, through data selection or changes. Properly indexing tables is important. SQL statement where, order-by, group-by and having clauses should always match indexes or original physical insertion record order. The database engine is much faster than application code. Thus as much functionality as possible should reside …

Installing Sendmail on Solaris

Download sendmail from http://www.sendmail.org Extract the downloaded file into a temporary directory. gzip -d sendmail.8.11.4.tar.gz | tar xvf sendmail.8.11.4.tar gzip -dc sendmail.8.11.4.tar.gz | tar xvf – cd sendmail-8.11.4 Check your version of sendmail (/usr/lib/sendmail -d0) Check your system’s resolver configuration (more /etc/resolv.conf). The pattern of the resolver configuration should be as shown below. domain xyz.com …